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Policies & Disclaimers


HIPAA Notice





This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Cardinal Voice & Swallowing is dedicated to ensuring the privacy of you or your child’s speech and/or language evaluation findings and course of therapy treatment. In serving our patients, we create records regarding treatment and services that are provided in order to have accurate information and ensure the appropriateness and efficiency of treatment services. Federal law requires us to strictly protect any personally identifying information on you or your child. This notice discloses our policies regarding the storage, use, and sharing of confidential patient information.




Cardinal Voice & Swallowing is required by law to keep your health information safe. This information may include:


  • Notes from your doctor, teacher, or other health care provider

  • Your medical history

  • Your test results

  • Treatment notes

  • Insurance information

A government rule requires that you get a copy of this privacy notice. This rule is called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA for short. We will ask you to sign a paper acknowledging that you have been given this notice.

How Your Health Information May Be Used or Shared


We may use your health information without your permission for the following reasons:


  1. Treatment: We may share your information with doctors or other health care providers who care for you. For example, if your doctor orders speech therapy, we will share the results of our treatment with that doctor.


  1. Payment: We may use and share information about the treatment you receive with your insurance company or other payer to receive payment for therapy services. This may include sharing important medical information. We may  share information to:

    1. Get the insurance company’s permission to start treatment

    2. Get permission for more treatment

    3. Get paid for the treatment you receive


  1. Health Care Operations: We may use and share your health information to run the clinic and make sure all  patients receive good care. For example, we may use your health information to:

    1. See how well our services are working

    2. See how well our staff is doing

    3. See how we compare to other clinics and private practices

    4. Make our services better

    5. Help others study health care services


Your health information may also be used or shared without your permission for:

  • Abuse and Neglect: We may share your health information with government agencies when there is evidence of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence.

  • Appointment Reminders: We will use your information to remind you of upcoming appointments. Reminders may be sent in the mail, by email, or by phone call or voicemail message. If you do not wish to get reminders, please tell your speech-language pathologist.

  • As Required by Law: We will share your information when we are told to by federal, state or local law. We will also share information if we are asked by the police or courts.

  • Government Functions: Your information may be shared for national security or military purposes. If you are a veteran, your information may be shared with the Office of Veteran’s Affairs.

  • Information About a Person Who Has Died: We may share information with the coroner, medical examiner, or a funeral director, as needed.

  • Health-Related Benefits and Services: We may use your information to let you know of other services that might be of interest to you.

  • Public Health Risks: We may report information to public health agencies as required by law. This may be done to help prevent disease, injury, or disability. It may also be done to report medical device safety issues to the Food and Drug Administration and to report diseases and infections.

  • Regulatory Oversight: We may use or share your information to report to agencies overseeing health care. This may include sharing information for audits, licensure and inspections.

  • Threats to Health and Safety: Your health information may be shared if it is believed that it will prevent a threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of others.

  • Worker’s Compensation: We will share your information with Worker’s Compensation if your case is being considered as a work-related injury.


When Your Permission is Needed to Use or Share Your Health Information


You must give us your permission to use or share your health information for any situation that is not listed on this notice. You will be asked to sign a form, called an authorization, to allow us to share your information. You are allowed to take back this authorization, called revoking authorization, at any time. We will not be able to get the information back that we shared with your permission.

Your Privacy Rights

You have the right to:

  • Ask us not to share your information: You can ask us not to use or share your information for treatment, payment, or health care operations. You can also ask us not to share information with people involved in your care, like family members or friends. You must ask for limits in writing. We must share information when required by law. We do not have to agree to what you ask.

  • Ask us to contact you privately: You can ask us to only contact you in a certain way or at a certain place. For example, you may want us to call you but not email. Or you may want us to call you at work and not at home. You must ask in writing.

  • Look at and copy your health information: You have the right to see your health information and get a copy of that information at any time. You have the right to see treatment, medical and billing information. You may not be able to see or copy information put together for a court case, certain lab results, and copyrighted materials, such as test protocols.


  • Ask for changes to your health information: You can ask us to change information that you think is wrong. 

You can also ask that we add information that is missing. You must ask us in writing and give us a reason for the change. We do not have to make the change.

  • Get a report of how and when your information was used or shared: You can ask us to tell you when your information was shared and who we shared it with. There are some rules about this:

    • You need to ask us in writing.

    • You must tell us the dates you are asking about and if you want a paper or electronic copy.

    • You may get information going back six (6) years.

  • Get a paper copy of this privacy notice: You can get a paper copy of this notice at any time.

  • File complaints: You can file a complaint with us or with the government if you think that

    • Your information was used or shared in a way that is not allowed

    • You were not allowed to look at or copy your information

    • Any of your rights were denied


Who is Covered by This Notice


The people that must follow the rules of this notice are:

  • All speech-language pathologists at Cardinal Voice & Swallowing.

  • Anyone who is allowed to add health information to your file, including students and other staff

  • Any volunteers who may help you while you are at this clinic/private practice


Changes to the Information in This Notice


WE may change this notice at any time. Changes may apply to information we already have in your file and any new information. Copies of the new notice will be available from our staff. The notice will have a date on the front page to tell you when it went into effect.



You may file a complaint if you think we did something wrong with your information. You can complain to your regional office of the United States Office of Civil Rights. All complaints must be in writing. You will not get in trouble for filing a complaint.



If you have any other questions about this notice or your privacy rights, please ask your speech-language pathologist.

Privacy Policy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using this website.


Privacy Policy Consent

The website and its content is owned by Cardinal Voice & Swallowing (“Company”, “we”, or “us”). The term “you” refers to the user or viewer of (“Website”).


This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, process and distribute your information, including Personal Data (as defined below) used to access this Website. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. The use of information collected through our Sites shall be limited to the purposes under this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service to customers.


Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy on the Website at any time without notice. In the event of a material change, we will let you know via email and / or a prominent notice on our Website.


Use of any personal information or contribution that you provide to us, or which is collected by us on or through our Website or its content is governed by this Privacy Policy. By using our Website or its content, you consent to this Privacy Policy, whether or not you have read it.


Information We May Collect

We collect personal information from you so that we can provide you with a positive experience when utilizing our Website or content. We will only collect the minimum amount of information necessary for us to fulfill our obligation to you. We may collect:

  1. A name and an email address so we can deliver our newsletter to you - you would be affirmatively consenting to this by providing this to us in our contact forms.

  2. Billing information including name, address and credit card information so that we can process payment to deliver our products or services to you under our contractual obligation.

  3. A name and an email address if you complete our contact form with a question. We may send you marketing emails with either your consent or if we believe we have a legitimate interest to contact you based on your contact or question.

  4. Information from you from a co-branded offer. In this case, we will make clear as to who is collecting the information and whose privacy policy applies. If both/ all parties are retaining the information you provide, this will also be made clear as will links to all privacy policies.


Please note that the information above (“Personal Data”) that you are giving to us is voluntarily, and by you providing this information to us you are giving consent for us to use, collect and process this Personal Data. You are welcome to opt-out or request for us to delete your Personal Data at any point by contacting us at


If you choose not to provide us with certain Personal Data, you may not be able to participate in certain aspects of our Website or content.


Other Information We May Collect: Anonymous Data Collection and Use

To maintain our Website’s high quality, we may use your IP address to help

diagnose problems with our server and to administer the Website by identifying which areas of the Website are most heavily used, and to display content according to your preferences. Your IP address is the number assigned to computers connected to the Internet. This is essentially "traffic data" which cannot personally identify you, but is helpful to us for marketing purposes and for improving our services. Traffic data collection does not follow a user’s activities on any other websites in any way. Anonymous traffic data may also be shared with business partners and advertisers on an aggregate basis.


Use of "Cookies"

We may use the standard "cookies" feature of major web browsers. We do not set any personally identifiable information in cookies, nor do we employ any data-capture mechanisms on our Website other than cookies. You may choose to disable cookies through your own web browser’s settings. However, disabling this function may diminish your experience on our Website and some features may not work as intended.


What We Do With Information We Collect Contact You

We may contact you with information that you provide to us based on these lawful grounds for processing:

  1. Consent. We may contact you if you give us your clear, unambiguous, affirmative consent to contact you.

  2. Contract. We will contact you under our contractual obligation to deliver goods or services you purchase from us.

  3. Legitimate Interest. We may contact you if we feel you have a legitimate interest in hearing from us. For example, if you sign up for a webinar, we may send you marketing emails based on the content of that webinar. You will always have the option to opt out of any of our emails.


Process Payments

We will use the Personal Data you give to us in order to process your payment for the purchase of goods or services under a contract. We only use third party payment processors that take the utmost care in securing data and comply with the GDPR.



Targeted Social Media Advertisements

We may use the data you provide to us to run social media advertisements and / or create look-alike audiences for advertisements.


Share with Third Parties

We may share your information with trusted third parties such as our newsletter provider in order to contact you via email, our merchant accounts to process payments, and Google / social media accounts in order to run advertisements and our affiliates.


Viewing by Others

Note that whenever you voluntarily make your Personal Data available for viewing by others online through this Website or its content, it may be seen, collected and used by others, and therefore, we cannot be responsible for any unauthorized or improper use of the information that you voluntarily share (i.e., sharing a comment on a forum, posting in a Facebook group that we manage, etc.).


Submission, Storage, Sharing and Transferring of Personal Data

Personal Data that you provide to us is stored internally or through a data management system. Your Personal Data will only be accessed by those who help to obtain, manage or store that information, or who have a legitimate need to know such Personal Data (i.e., our hosting provider, newsletter provider, payment processors or team members).


It is important to note that we may transfer data internationally. For users in the European Union, please be aware that we transfer Personal Data outside of the European Union. By using our Website and providing us with your Personal Data, you consent to these transfers in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Data Retention

We retain your Personal Data for the minimum amount of time necessary to provide you with the information and / or services that you requested from us. We may include certain Personal Data for longer periods of time if necessary for legal, contractual and accounting obligations.



We aim to keep the Personal Data that you share with us confidential. Please note that we may disclose such information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that: (1) such action is necessary to protect and defend our rights or property or those of our users or licensees, (2) to act as immediately necessary in order to protect the personal safety or rights of our users or the public, or (3) to investigate or respond to any real or perceived violation of this Privacy Policy or of our Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, or any other terms of use or agreement with us.



To use certain features of the Website or its content, you may need a username and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password, and you are responsible for all activities, whether by you or by others, that occur under your username or password and within your account. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your username, password or account information. If you share your username or password with others, they may be able to obtain access to your Personal Data at your own risk.


You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized or improper use of your username or password or any other breach of security. To help protect against unauthorized or improper use, make sure that you log out at the end of each session requiring your username and password.


We will use our best efforts to keep your username and password(s) private and will not otherwise share your password(s) without your consent, except as necessary when the law requires it or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary, particularly when disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to others or interfering with our rights or property.


How You Can Access, Update or Delete Your Personal Data

You have the right to:


  1. Request information about how your Personal Data is being used and request a copy of what Personal Data we use.

  2. Restrict processing if you think the Personal Data is not accurate, unlawful, or no longer needed.

  3. Rectify or erase Personal Data and receive confirmation of the rectification or erasure. (You have the “right to be forgotten”).

  4. Withdraw your consent at any time to the processing of your Personal Data.

  5. Lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you feel we are using your Personal Data unlawfully.

  6. Receive Personal Data portability and transference to another controller without our hindrance.

  7. Object to our use of your Personal Data.

  8. Not be subject to an automated decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling, which legally or significantly affects you.


You may unsubscribe from our e-newsletters or updates at any time through the unsubscribe link at the footer of all email communications. If you have questions or are experiencing problems unsubscribing, please contact us at



We take commercially reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data you provide to us from misuse, disclosure or unauthorized access. We only share your Personal Data with trusted third parties who use the same level of care in processing your Personal Data. That being said, we cannot guarantee that your Personal Data will always be secure due to technology or security breaches. Should there be a data breach of which we are aware, we will inform you immediately.


Anti-Spam Policy

We have a no spam policy and provide you with the ability to opt-out of our communications by selecting the unsubscribe link at the footer of all e-mails. We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that we are compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 by never sending out misleading information. We will not sell, rent or share your email address.


Third Party Websites

We may link to other websites on our Website. We have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of any other individual, company or entity whose website or materials may be linked to our Website or its content, and thus we cannot be held liable for the privacy of the information on their website or that you voluntarily share with their website. Please review their privacy policies for guidelines as to how they respectively store, use and protect the privacy of your Personal Data.


Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We do not collect any information from anyone under 18 years of age in compliance with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of the EU). Our Website and its content is directed to individuals who are at least 18 years old or older.


Notification of Changes

We may use your Personal Data, such as your contact information, to inform you of changes to the Website or its content, or, if requested, to send you additional information about us. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter our Website, its content and this Privacy Policy at any time. Such changes and/or modifications shall become effective immediately upon posting our updated Privacy Policy. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically. Continued use of any of information obtained through or on the Website or its content following the posting of changes and/or modifications constituted acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. Should there be a material change to our Privacy Policy, we will contact you via email or by a prominent note on our Website.


Data Controller and Processors

We are the data controllers as we are collecting and using your Personal Data. We use trusted third parties as our data processors for technical and organizational purposes, including for payments and email marketing. We use reasonable efforts to make sure our data processors are GDPR- compliant.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

33 North Ave Ste 207

Tallmadge, OH 44278 Last Updated: December, 2021










Cancellations Events / Classes

Cancellations made 7 days or more in advance of the Event / Class date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 7 days will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations made within 24 hours will not receive a refund.  You can call/text us at 330-249-1212 between the hours of 8:00am - 8:00pm EST, Monday through Friday or email us at


Digital products

There are no refunds issued for digital products.  We recommend contacting us at if you have any questions before you purchase or for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products.



There are absolutely no refunds on Consulting and Mentoring because once we spend our time with you, we can’t get it back.  Results in a consulting and / or mentoring  relationship are not guaranteed. Your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this Website or Services.


If you are not completely satisfied with your investment and are on a payment plan, you may request we stop collecting on future payments. (It is rare, but it does happen that a consultant/mentor and client may be ill-matched and it is best for both parties to go their separate ways.)

Upon providing deposit or full program payment you are authorizing Cardinal Voice & Swallowing to process your payment. Upon acceptance into a consulting/mentoring program, you are responsible for full payment of fees for the program. No refunds will be issued if you are accepted into the program and all installments must be paid on a timely basis.


Finally, a great deal of energy, time, thought and heart goes into preparing for and being present on our calls/sessions together.  If you’re late for your appointment, you lose that time.  If you don’t show, you’ll still be charged in full. In turn, we promise to honor our appointments and be on time as well. 


Lapsed Services

We understand life happens and circumstances may prevent you from starting or even completing your consulting / mentoring within an appropriate timeline. However, if you pay for consulting / mentoring services and fail to start or have your initial session with six (6) months of your initial payment, you forfeit any payments received and no refunds will be issued. Attempts will be made to provide you with a comparable service through a digital product or online program within one (1) year of your initial payment; however, 1:1 consulting / mentoring services are not guaranteed as consulting / mentoring program offerings and pricing may have changed since your initial payment. After one (1) year from your initial payment, you will be required to contract for new and existing consulting / mentoring services.


A Note on Payment Plans

If you invest with us using a multi-pay or payment plan and you decide to stay in the program, you are responsible for completing your monthly payments. If your credit card lapses, we will reach out to you and give you a 7-day grace period to send us your new information. If you do not get your information up-to-date during that grace period, program access will be suspended. If you aren’t able to bring your account into good standing within 7 days after that, then we will turn your details over to a collections agency.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, contact us at






The website is owned by Sarah Vacha Swallowing Diagnostics, LLC dba Cardinal Voice & Swallowing.


By viewing this website, or anything made available on or through this website, you are agreeing to accept all parts of this Disclaimer. Thus, if you do not agree to the Disclaimer below, STOP now, and do not access or use this Website.


FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information provided in or through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use.


NOT MEDICAL, MENTAL HEALTH, OR RELIGIOUS ADVICE. We are not, nor are we holding ourselves out to be a doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, advanced practice nurse, or any other medical professional (“Medical Provider”), psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker (“Mental Health Provider”), registered dietician or licensed nutritionist, or member of the clergy. As a speech-language pathologist, I am not providing direct health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. The information provided in or through this Website pertaining to your career or patients or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from our Website. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on this Website. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly. The information contained on this Website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  


NOT LEGAL OR FINANCIAL ADVICE. We are not an attorney, accountant or financial advisor, nor are we holding ourselves out to be. The information contained in this Website is not intended to be a substitute for legal or financial advice that can be provided by your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor. Although care has been taken in preparing the information provided to you, we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage you may incur. Always seek financial and/or legal counsel relating to your specific circumstances as needed for any and all questions and concerns you now have, or may have in the future. You agree that the information on our Website is not legal or financial advice.  


PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. You aim to accurately represent the information provided to us on or through our Website. You acknowledge that you are participating voluntarily in using our Website and that you are solely and personally responsible for your choices, actions and results, now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or non-use, of any information provided on or through this Website, and you agree to use your own judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion or recommendation from this Website to your life, family or business.


NO GUARANTEES. Our role is to support and assist you in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this Website.


REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO USE CONTENT. Any request for written permission to use our Content, or any other intellectual property or property belonging to us, should be made BEFORE you wish to use the Content by completing the “Contact Us” form on this Website, or by sending an e-mail to We very clearly state that you may not use any Content in any way that is contrary to this disclaimer unless we have given you specific written permission to do so. If you are granted permission by us, you agree to use the specific Content that we allow and ONLY in the ways for which we have given you our written permission. If you choose to use the Content in ways that we do not specifically give you written permission, you agree now that you will be treated as if you had copied, duplicated and/or stolen such Content from us, and you consent to immediately stop using such Content and to take whatever actions as we may request and by the methods and in the time frame that we prescribe to protect our intellectual property and ownership rights in our Website and its Contents.


TESTIMONIALS. We present real world experiences, testimonials, and insights about other people’s experiences with this Website for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients and results they personally achieved, or they are comments from individuals who can speak to our character and/or the quality of our work. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only. 


YOUR LICENSE TO US. By posting or submitting any material on or through our Website such as comments, posts, photos, images or videos or other contributions, you are representing that you are the owner of all such materials and you are at least 18 years old.


ASSUMPTION OF RISK. As with all situations, there are sometimes unknown individual risks and circumstances that can arise during use of this Website that cannot be foreseen that can influence or reduce results. You understand that any mention of any suggestion or recommendation on or through this Website is to be taken at your own risk, with no liability on our part, recognizing that there is a rare chance that illness, injury or even death could result, and you agree to assume all risks.


LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. By using this Website, you agree to absolve us of any liability or loss that you or any other person may incur from use of the information, products or materials that you request or receive through or on this Website. You agree that we will not be liable to you, or to any other individual, company or entity, for any type of damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable or consequential loss or damages, for use of or reliance on this Website. You agree that we do not assume liability for accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease or condition or issue, or any other type of loss or damage due to any act or default by us or anyone acting as our agent, consultant, affiliate, joint venture partner, employee, shareholder, director, staff, team member, or anyone otherwise affiliated with our business or us, who is engaged in delivering content on or through this Website.


INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS. You hereby fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release us and any of our agents, consultants, affiliates, joint venture partners, employees, shareholders, directors, staff, team members, or anyone otherwise affiliated with the business or us from any and all causes of action, allegations, suits, claims, damages, or demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that may arise in the past, present or future that is in any way related to this Website.




ERRORS AND OMISSIONS. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information shared on or through this Website, the information may inadvertently contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. You agree that we are not responsible for the views, opinions, or accuracy of facts referenced on or through this Website, or of those of any other individual or company affiliated with our business or us in any way. Because scientific, technology and business practices are constantly evolving, you agree that we am not responsible for the accuracy of this Website, or for any errors or omissions that may occur.


NO ENDORSEMENT. References or links in this Website to the information, opinions, advice, programs, products or services of any other individual, business or entity does not constitute our formal endorsement. We are merely sharing information for your own self-help only.  We are not responsible for the website content, blogs, e-mails, videos, social media, programs, products and/or services of any other person, business or entity that may be linked or referenced in this Website. Conversely, should this Website link appear in any other individual’s, business’s or entity’s website, program, product or services, it does not constitute our formal endorsement of them, their business or their website either.


AFFILIATES. From time to time, we may promote, affiliate with, or partner with other individuals or businesses whose programs, products and services align with ours. In the spirit of transparency, we want you to be aware that there may be instances when we promote, market, share or sell programs, products or services for other partners and in exchange we may receive financial compensation or other rewards. Please note that we are highly selective and only promote the partners whose programs, products and/or services we respect. At the same time, you agree that any such promotion or marketing does not serve as any form of endorsement whatsoever. You are still required to use your own judgment to determine that any such program, product or service is appropriate for you. You are assuming all risks, and you agree that we are not liable in any way for any program, product or service that we may promote, market, share or sell on or through this Website.


TERMINATION:  We reserve the right in our sole discretion to refuse or terminate your access to the Website and its Content, in full or in part, at any time without notice. In the event of cancellation or termination, you are no longer authorized to access the part of the Website or Content affected by such cancellation or termination. The restrictions imposed on you in these T&C with respect to the Website and its Content will still apply now and in the future, even after termination by you or us.


By using this Website you are agreeing to all parts of the above Disclaimer. If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, please contact us at

Cancellation and Refund Policy
(Events, Classes, Digital Products, Consultations, and Mentoring)


Privacy Policy
Cancellation Refunds Policy
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